Here we have Thirukkural adhikaram 13 – Thirukkural Adakkam udaimai in Tamil with meaning or Thirukkural Adakkam udaimai adhikaram in Tamil. It is also called as Thirukkural Adakkam udaimai lyrics or Thirukkural Adakkam udaimai kural in Tamil with meaning.
1330 Thirukkural In Tamil Mp3
Sanskrit translation of Thirukkural, written by Sri Thiruvalluvar (1st century BCE), one of the greatest works on ethical livingwas written in Tamil. It consists of 133 athikarams or chapters. Each athikaram consists of 10 kurals (rhyming Tamil couplets) thus making 1330 kurals in total.
- Thirukkural comes under one of the four categories of Venpas Tamil ve Thirukkural or the Kural is a collection of Tamil couplets organised into.
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Thirukkural is divided into three sections. Section one deals with Aram doing things, with conscience and honor, for the good of the less fortunate, the second discusses Porul realities or facts of life, and the third dwells on Inbam the pleasures that a man and a woman experience in the course of their relationship. It is claimed that this division of Thirukkural is based on the canonical dharma, artha and kama (trivarga) articulated in the Sanskritic classical texts.
S.N. Sriramadesikan whose Tirukkural translation was published in 1961 has translated many other Tamil classics like Ettuthogai, Pathupattu, Silappadikaram, Thiruppavai, Kambaramayanam, Naladiyar etc. into Sanskrit language.
DOWNLOAD Tirukkural Sanskrit translation by SN Sriramadesikan
DOWNLOAD Tirukkural Sanskrit translation by Govindrai Jain Shastri
The Thirukkural has a credit of many translation in different languages next to Bible, Quran but religious versions claims Gita of India has maximum translations next to Bible and Tao Te Ching of China has maximum translations next to Bible and Gita. But these clearly proved that it has more translations in many languages as well as many times in same language by different authors. Also there are commentaries to this work has been done by many and popular among them is Parimelagar in Tamil. And a recent one if released by son of V.O.Chidambaranar, independence activist in 2008. The first translated version in English is by GU Pope in 1886 which had taken Thirukkural to western world.
Since the poet is from Tamil Nadu, he and his work Thirukkural has been honoured in Tamil Nadu many ways. 1. Valluvar Kottam has been built in Chennai. 2. Statue has been erected in Kanniyakumari in the midst of water. 3. State government transport vehicles will have a display with one Thirukural on it. Recently, the honour has been extended by Central Government by taking it into the School with a start of competition and there may be introduction of the same in the syllabus. Already the honours are there in other lands like, in France where in a Railway station, the French version of Thirukural has been displayed in a train. Also statue at UK in University of London Campus and Statue in the neighbourhood state Karnataka in Bangalore are some more honours to specify.
As there are many controversies with his birth details like when he has born and mostly declared as between 1st A.D and 3rd A.D. and also place of birth between Chennai and Kanyakumari in TN. Also claims of Shaivites and Bhuddists of their own has proved about the controversy of the great poet with his biography details but his Thirukkural has place in Universe. To add, recent controversies in Tamil Nadu that from the year 1973 on the basis of Scholars met in 1921 and subsequent happenings in 1954, Thai 2 (that is it may be January 15 or 16, next day of Makara Sankaranthi) as a birth date and from that year onwards, Tamil Nadu has another Calendar with Thiruvalluvar Year, accounting 31 years before Christ. But before this, his birth day was celebrated according to the tradition of star celebration on Vaikashi Anusham every year. There are some more work in Tamil literature in later years and people have two versions, it may be from the same author or from different author with same name.