Confirmation is the point at which a person moves from having parents and guardians spoon feed them to learning to feed themselves the nourishment of faith, and to serve others as well. Confirmation usually consists of two parts: The Confirmation Class and The Act of Confirmation (or Confirmation of Faith). The Holy Spirit strengthens you so you can lead a holy and apostolic life. 11.) What are the 6 sins against the Holy Spirit? The six sins against the Holy Spirit are: 1. Resisting the known truth 4. Envy of another‟s spiritual good 5. Obstinacy in sin 6. A form entitled Confirmation within Mass is included with this booklet. It can also be downloaded from the diocesan website, or contact the Office of Worship to have a copy faxed or mailed to you. Complete the form and return via email, fax, or mail to the Office of Worship no less than three weeks before the date of Confirmation.
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