Keep track of your storage hours on Hudl and delete videos you no longer need. Copy a Video 1 min. Create a copy of your video to get a different perspective of the game or breakdown data. Intercut Video 1 min. Once you've uploaded more than one angle of video, use our online video editing.
Hudl Video Editor Download
- Hudl provides online video analysis and coaching tools to sports teams at all levels. Hudl is currently being used by high schools, colleges, youth leagues, and professional teams across the United States. This app is free with your Hudl membership, allowing you to watch any videos that you’ve uploaded to your Hudl account.
- Firefox was created by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross as an experimental branch of the Mozilla browser, first released as Firefox 1.0 on November 9, 2004. Starting with version 5.0, a rapid release cycle was put into effect, resulting in a new major version release every six weeks.
Log in to, then hover over Video and select Library.
In the library, select the playlist by clicking the circle by the playlist's title.
Hover the mouse over the playlist. Click Modify and select Edit Video Cities skylines performance mod. in the drop-down.
Use the following tools to edit clips:
- Trim Clips: Press the 1 key on your keyboard to trim the front of the clip and the 2 key to trim the end. This is only available with one angle of video. If you have more than one angle, you can split a clip, then delete the unwanted clip.
- Split Clips: Play the video to the location of the split, then press Split located below the video.
- Delete Clips: Play the clip, then click the trash can icon or Delete located below the video.
- CombineClips: Select the clip then click combine above or combine below located below the video.
- Undo Edit: Click Undo below the video to undo the previous change.
When finished, click Save.
Download Hudl Video Editor
Read Next — Add Notes and Drawings to Video