May 2, 2019 = Arch was interviewed by Larry Pesavento at NYSE open this morning on the Tiger Financial Network, and will be archived later today on April 1, 2019 = April CP newsletter sent. March 20, 2019 = Full Moon within 4 hours of the Vernal Equinox + FOMC. Larry Pesavento and Shane Smoleny's new book, A Trader's Guide to Financial Astrology, is an excellent beginner's guide to a complex subject that is essential to understanding the seemingly unexpected booms and busts the markets are prone to. This book thoroughly explains everything you will need to know about planets and astro cycles and how they work to enable you to come to your own conclusions about the value of using financial astrology.
- Financial Astrology Pesavento 2020
- Financial Astrology Predictions
- Financial Astrologers
- Financial Astrology Vedic
- Financial Astrology Pesavento 2019
- Financial Astrology Pesavento Daily
Larry Pesavento Financial Astrology Larry Pesavento is very well known and respected in the field of Financial Astrology, and he has written many books on the topic. Click here to visit his web site, and see below for some of his insights. Larry Pesavento’s Analysis of the Bradley Siderograph. Larry Pesavento is very well known and respected in the field of Financial Astrology, and he has written many books on the topic. Click here to visit his web site, and see below for some of his insights. Larry Pesavento’s Analysis of the Bradley Siderograph. On pages 28-29 of the May 2009 issue of “The Technical Analyst,” Larry Pesavento provdied his take on the Bradley Siderograph.
ASTROLOGY is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. It studies of the Sun, Moon, stars, and eclipses. Astrology has been dated to the 3rd millennium BC.
In the west, Astrology was used to divining about human affairs and terrestrial events through the celestial objects. Man has been curious about his future; trying to make sense of his life and relationships. Astrology was or is used to find the answer. However, with the scientific revolution astrology is now recognized can be pseudoscience. True or true? Who’s right and who’s wrong?

Astrological clock at Venice. Venice, capital of northern Italy’s Veneto region, is built on more than 100 small islands in a marshy lagoon in the Adriatic Sea.
Photo taken from Internet.
Financial Astrology
Can astrology be used in trading?In financial, Larry Pesavento is well known in the field of Financial Astrology. He has written number of books on the topic.
The following are Larry Pesavento’s Lunar Trading Strategies:

- Maximum or “0” Declination — The moon is either at its furthest distance from the equator or at the equator “0”
- True node of the Moon — The true node of the moon is the only part of the solar system that turns counterclockwise. When it moves from retrograde to direct or vice versa, it will affect prices.
- Full Moon – New Moon – Quarter Moon
- Apogee and Perigee — Apogee is where the moon is farthest from the earth and spinning the slowest. Perigee is where the moon is closest to the earth and spinning the fastest.
- Moon Void of Course — The moon is going from one sign of the zodiac to another sign.”
Mercury Combustion
Larry Pesavento also finds that Mercury Combust is a very powerful timing device for the stock market.
Larry Pesavento’s books on astrology and trading.
If you want to know more above astrology and trading. You can read more from Larry’s books.
This is the latest book from Larry Pesavento.
A Traders Guide to Financial Astrology: Forecasting Market Cycles Using Planetary and Lunar Movements
Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets
Astro-Cycles: The Trader’s Viewpoint
Financial Astrology Pesavento 2020
Whatever that have covered on astrology and trading until here are cursory at best. There is definitely a lot more to learn in this aspect. Hope that this article has ignited some interest in you to look into it further.
We shall discuss on another article on candlestick. Candlestick was first used in Japan by the rice trader.
Moses Stocks Analysis and Scan
Disclaimer:All information, data and material contained, presented, or provided on is for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed or intended as providing trading or legal advice. Decisions you make about your trading or investment are important to you and your family, therefore should be made in consultation with a competent financial advisor or professional. We are not financial advisor and do not claim to be. Any views expressed here-in are not necessarily those held by You are responsible for your trade decision and wealth being.
The site uses powerful charting software, AmiBroker charting software.
8. Astrology Links to Financial Astrology Special Interest Sites
Astro Trend – Professional home page of Norm Winski, experienced American financial astrologer and publisher of a subscription-based astrological forecasting newsletter
Astroeconomics – Site of stock market astrology expert Grace Morris, who has been producing highly-regarded annual stock market forecast guides for many years. She also offers personal astrological consultations
Astrologers’ Fund, Inc. – Financial forecasting site of experienced American financial astrologer and former Aquarian Agent editor and astrological author Henry Weingarten. The site layout is a little brash, and the contents are highly technical, but there is at least one article on financial astrology included
Astrological Investing – Financial astrology site of Marlene Pfeifle, formerly co-owned by the late Kaye Shinker. The articles here are mostly ephemeral forecasts but are nonetheless of interest to financial astrology enthusiasts
Astrology for Gann Traders – Site of Australian professional astrologer and financial astrology specialist Olga Morales
Financial Astrology Predictions
Bill Meridian – Experienced American financial and stock market astrologer, and popular author of several related books

Bonnie Hill Astroeconomics – Popular page of links to financial astrology articles and other resources on the Internet. Some may no longer be current. It is supplemented by her separate page of W. D. Gann links
Cycle-Trader – Site of financial astrology researcher Bradley Cowan, offering his own stock market courses and rare W. D. Gann writings in e-book format
Financial Astrologers
Galactic Investor – Site of Jeanne and Linda Long, co-owners of Fibonacci Trader Group, incorporating PAS Astro-Soft. Producers of financial astrology software sold through their site, which also includes a bookshop for financial astrology books by different authors
Kaye Shinker’s Financial Astrology – Simple web site representing the late Kaye Shinker, selling her e-books on financial astrology
Larry Pesavento – Veteran financial astrologer and author of several related books. Offers private tuition in his methods
Financial Astrology Vedic
Mikula Forecasting – Site of W. D. Gann researcher and financial forecasting software developer Patrick Mikula, who has a special interest in astrological correlations to stock market cycles
Financial Astrology Pesavento 2019
MMA Cycles – Shop of experienced professional astrologer and financial astrology specialist Ray Merriman. Includes sales of his several important financial astrology books, as well as the back-catalogue of Seek-It Publications, his older general astrological publishing house. Has written a financial forecasting newsletter on a subscription basis for the past 35 years, and produces highly reputed annual forecast books
Financial Astrology Pesavento Daily
Sacred Science Institute – Long-established site of American financial astrology aficionado Brad Stewart, serving as a dedicated shop for new and reprinted older financial astrology, astrological speculation and W. D. Gann study-interest works, as well as reprints and translations of various other scarce and interesting older astrology and cosmology-related books
Tim Bost – Experienced professional consultant astrologer and financial astrology specialist