Impressive Title

Glasmar is an Impressive Title server that was released on January 4th, 2018. We have over 180 individual maps, over 1000 items, and all sorts of new markings that you can enjoy! There is a no shortage of content in Glasmar, with updates coming every season!

  1. Impressive Title is an animal MMORPG created in 2008 by KovuLKD in which players can play as Disneyesque lions or felines and explore the world around them by hopping through bubble-shaped portals and holes to get to their destination.
  2. Impressive Title. What if I told you that I love you? NaiaRulez 13 2 angel ref 2020 d0ll-x 21 3 fursona preset wip d0ll-x 19 13 Don't get in trouble please CamioFD 12 0 nyoom tygrys3k 23 0 Live it up for the weekend ZombieKitteh 1 0.
  3. Impressive Backup. Impressive Backup is a freeware application to help players of Impressive Title save their bio's, friends list, etc. It is very easy to use and to install by everyone who like to play 'Impressive Title' game.
  4. Download the game: got this Vid from KovuLKD to upload it in Youtube. Copyright on this Vid belongs to him.Voices by: http.

Choosing an appropriate title for a research paper or thesis at times leaves scholars and researchers with mental blocks. Though it seems to be a simple task, it is a perplexing exercise causing worry to many researchers. It is important that the research title be relevant and self-explanatory as this is the first thing that people consider as a deciding factor for further action.

Impressive Title

Invariably, when browsing the internet or searching through databases, the title remains the sole factor for a reader to decide whether to read the paper or skip it. With countless research papers flooding your laptop at the tap of a button, readers get impatient with dull, lengthy, or wordy titles. People have a tendency to pass over lengthy and unappealing titles though the research paper may have interesting and intellectual content. Moreover, readers decide the relevance of the research paper to their area of interest based on the title.

Whether it is someone on a purposive search or someone accidently bumping onto your research paper, they need to be drawn by your research title. Therefore, the title has to be powerful enough to induce interest in the reader. Only an interesting and catchy title draws the attention of readers. Furthermore, the title is the defining factor of your research area under investigation. Hence, it needs to be meaningful and appealing. This builds pressure in researchers to come up with a compelling and attractive research title.

Nevertheless, the process of selecting an appropriate title for your research can be easy if you follow few tips as listed below.

Tips for Framing a Research Title

Select a Working Title

The obvious thing to do in the initial stage of the research process is to decide the title. The title will help you to be focused and direct you towards the objectives and hypothesis. However, as you progress and complete your research, be prepared to slightly modify the working title and finalize your research title.

Keep it Simple and brief

It is important that you choose a title that clearly conveys two core things – focus (research topic/ purpose) and scope (method [example – Qualitative Assessment or An Experimental Research…] / target group, and/or place of study). Give serious thought to use of words and avoid framing titles with complicated phrases and questions. Use of words and phrases need to be focused on the content and scope of the research.

Be careful in maintaining appropriate title length. Experts suggest having 12 to 18 words for a title. Too long or too short titles are not preferred. For example, look at this title –

A Study to investigate the Attitudes, Preferences, and Practices of Employees on Using Digital Media with special reference to HR Professionals in Corporate Setting in Developing Countries

This is an example of a lengthy and wordy title. It is obvious that you are conducting a research to find out something. Hence, wordiness and redundant expressions or phrases are unnecessary.

On the other hand, look at the following title –

Usage of Digital Media among HR Professionals

Impressive Title

This is too short and does not convey either the scope or the focus.

Instead, think of a title like this –

Usage of Digital Media by HR Professionals in Chennai – A Qualitative Report on their Perceptions and Practices

Narrow the Scope

You need to think judiciously before selecting a research title. One of the essential criteria is limiting your scope of the research and reflecting the same in the research title.

For example, consider the following title –

HRM Culture and Job Satisfaction among Employees in Private and Public Companies in Gulf Countries

This is too broad in scope and will be both complex and time-consuming. Rather, limiting the scope will help you to be specific and more focused. Furthermore, it makes more sense to limit the scope if you are doing the research for academic (pursuing a degree) purpose.


To make it more relevant, think of something like the title below.

Dynamics of HRM Culture and Job Satisfaction among Expatriates in Multinational Companies – A Comparative Analysis in Dubai

Use of Subtitles

The use of subtitles adds value to your research title in terms of method, target location, context, scope, or special reference. You need to frame subtitles that are specific and relevant to the overall scope of the study.

Identify Keywords for using in your title

As you progress in your research, identify keywords that throw light on the content of your research. You can use these keywords to refine the working title and make it more attractive and relevant.

Avoid using Jargons, Abbreviations, or Exclamatory Marks

Sometimes the researcher gets carried away for framing unique and never-before used titles. Consequently, it becomes tempting to frame titles with jargons, acronym, or exclamations. One of the important principles in framing a title is to avoid using unfamiliar jargons, terms, abbreviations and other symbols. If your research title has a question, ensure that you answer the question in the research paper. The purpose is that even a layperson is able to judge the content expected from the research paper.

Use Words that are interesting and attractive to the reader

Your focus while framing the research title should be to capture the readers’ interest and compel them for action, which is to read the research paper. Hence, the choice of words needs to be positive, purposive, informative, attractive, and kindle the curiosity of readers.

Use terms that are trendy

Be careful to use terms that are currently in use. Using outdated terms or words will snap the readers’ attention and they will not attempt to read your work. Furthermore, the choice of words in the title needs to be such that they pop up when readers surf for related titles in internet search.

Check the Grammar and Capitalization of Words

Take care to check the grammar more than once. Even a simple grammatical mistake has the power to change the focus or purpose of the study. Further, be cautious in using verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or capital letters.

Check the Expected standards

If you are writing an academic paper for journal submission, check the criteria set for research titles. Every journal has set certain standards for submissions and they need to be followed for paper acceptance.

Have I missed out anything important? Please give your suggestions in the box below.


Impressive title server

Enago Academy. 2017. 4 Important Tips on Writing a Research Paper Title. [Online] Available at:

Rajagopalan, R. 2014. 5 Simple Steps to write a good research paper. [Online] Available at:

University of Southern California. 2017. Organizing your social sciences research paper: choosing a title. [Online] Available at:

From Wikipedia

Impressive Title
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
Genre(s)Fantasy, MMORPG, Simulation
Mode(s)Multiplayer online, Single Player Adventure Mode
Input methodsMouse, keyboard

Through many eyes, Impressive Title is a place where one can hang about their friends. They customize their animal character to their liking, add a biography to it, and even set their home on any map they choose to return to it in the future. It is the sort of game that the users influence it more than anything. A game where you mold the world and is a blank canvas for creative minds, and those who wish to use their imagination to create the extraordinary. There are few boundaries to this game. You can customize your character to a degree beyond the standards and create your own little realms for yourself and others. From there you will adventure into the many lands available to you, ranging from the icy poles to the burning sands of the desert. On Impressive Title each user has the chance to create their own legacy. At your leisure you can create your own story full of prides, adventure, and fun!You develop the plot along with others and write the story. Your fantasy comes into an imaginative reality.


  • 1Gameplay
  • 2Development
  • 3Rules
  • 4Debates


Starting a character or a play session

  • Players control the 'character' (Avatar [virtual reality] avatar) in the game world, either in 'First person' view, or 'Third Person View' that acts more of a free-view Camera, moving around even when your Character doesn't. The player explores the different worlds, hunts prey, and can interact with other members. Unlike most MMO's, this game is 100% free to play. No subscription is required to join the game.
  • Creating a new character is simple at this stage of development, as the game is fairly new, so there are no factions to choose from. It has no storyline, dubbing it as a free-Style Graphic Chat Room. Members have a choice of six different head types, countless markings, different manes, and different tails. Some manes are limited to certain head types.
  • Once an account is created in-game, the player can make countless characters on that account. The member, once inside the game's world, has the choice to switch to different 'dimensions' (dims), which act as servers. However, members can private message (pm) each other over these types of servers, unlike most MMO's.
  • As of the release of version 0.7 June 2009, players can now hunt for prey, with a certain percent chance of the prey dropping items that vary greatly, from fangs and claws, to candy canes and spiked collars. Later on, pets were added, letting players have to power to tame prey. Pets will follow the character around and help in hunting.[1]


Here is the current list of controls:


  • W=Forward. A=Left. S=Back. D=Left. F=Fighting stance. R=Auto Run/Walk. Space Bar=jump.
    • [Hit space bar twice to double jump only if you don't have wings.]
  • Caps Lock = Lock Walk/Run.
  • Hold Shift+W,A,S,D = Walk/Run.
  • Hold Left Control/CTRL = Crouch/Crawl.
  • Right Control/CTRL = Turns on 'Pivot' moving Style.
  • Shift+Enter = New line when typing Bio.


  • C =to fly.
  • PageUp =Fly high/Swim Up.
  • PageDown =Fly low/Dive.
  • When on hill jump then press C


  • Z = to sit.
  • Z+Z = lay down, head in the air.
  • Z+Z+Z = lay down, head on the ground.
  • Z+X = lay down sideways.
  • Z+X+X = lay on your side.
  • Z+X+X+X = lay on your back.
  • You can set your emotions to whatever you want on the hotkeys!

Simply open your emotions list found in the 'J' buttons, and hold the hotkey you desire to place the emotion with. While holding it - with your mouse, click on the emotions.

  • F6 thru F12 = Whatever you set it to.
  • Alt = look forward.

LETTER COMMANDSH = Opens Home Menu. You can change dimensions by clicking the 0 and entering a different number, then press 'change'.B = Opens Bio Menu. You can write your character's biography in this window.N = Opens Friend List Menu. You can see your Friend's List as well as map population and your Blocked List.I = Opens Item Menu. You can stash your items or drop them from this menu.J = Opens Command List. You can change positions or emotions from this menu.P = Opens Party Menu. Shows who is in your party.


  • F1 = 3rd Person. Click and hold mouse to look around. Arrow keys also move you around. W,A,S,D moves your body around.
  • F2 = 3rd person, Right mouse click moves camera, left click moves person. Clicking on another person or prey item brings up their user menu options.
  • F3 = W,A,S,D moves camera, great for screen shots.
  • F4 = First person.
  • F5 = Like F2, but the camera is slightly higher above character.
  • Alt+Tab = Minimize Game Window.

Impressive Title Game

  • PrintScreen(Prt Scr) = Take screen shot.
  • Tab key = Turns Off: Name tags, Chat Windows and Health bar. Good for taking screen shots.

Chat Controls

Here is the current list of chat controls:


  • Grave Accent (` or ~) = Switch Between General, Party and Local Chats.
    • Click enter to type, click enter again to send it into the chatbox.


  • General Chat - This is the green chat. The one that does not bring the words above your head. Best used for role plays as the chat bubbles can no interfere with the role play descriptions or such.
  • Local Chat - It brings what you say into a chat bubble above your head. Best used for Out of Character chat.
  • Party Chat - This is a unique chat. Where no matter what map or dimension you still can see what members of your party are saying. First, you need to get a party. Or else you will be talking to yourself.

Click on a friend, click Invite Party. If they are in a party already - then in the Party chat it will state as so, if not it will say if they have accepted or declined joining. You have a 'P' button that list all members in the party there. That is also where you can leave the party. (Logging out and timing out does d/c from the party). Once you have members in your party, you can chat among yourselves without anyone else seeing what you type - besides your party members! No need to PM them either. Simply type to them in the Party Chat, and as said no matter the dimension or map - they can hear you!


  • /me sits. Will end up appearing in the chat box as. Yourusername/Characternamehere sits.
  • /Kov:Hay there
    • This sends a Private Message to 'Kov', saying 'Hay there'. You can change the name to anyone online to PM them, just use the same /Name:message format. [Members must be online the game to receive private message.]
  • /sethome - Set your Home Point
  • /gohome - Go to the last Home Point you've set
  • /resethome - Resets your Home Point to the middle of the Default map.
  • /friend Name - Adds 'Name' to your Friends list.
  • /unfriend Name - Removes 'Name' from your Friends list.
  • /block Name - Adds 'Name' to your Blocked list.
  • /unblock Name - Removes 'Name' from your Blocked list.
  • /position - Shows the coordinates you're in.
  • /roll 1 6 - Rolls '1' dice of '6' sides, for whatever purpose.
  • /release pet - Releases your pet.
    • Note: press the UP arrow to repeat the last command.[2]

Impressive Title Update


Impressive Title became the need-to-play game after it was announced on The Lion King Fan Art Archive for the first time in 2008. Ever since its release the game has been slowly growing (The forum itself currently has 11,755 registered members), and the Developers and KovuLKD are constantly releasing updates for the independent game.

When Impressive Title was first released, it was a simple single-level adventure game for one of KovuLKD's best friends, but soon I.T. had turned into a Multi-Player game for all to join. Players can now even create their own 'Campaigns' using their own characters through coding.

Player Made Maps

Players can make their own maps by using tutorials posted on the game's forum, giving members the freedom to share ideas of worlds and Role Playing in them. Members are also allowed to submit meshes and 3-D objects such as prey animals to add to maps by using Blender Converting tools.


Presets in this game are seen as custom-made skins for an individual character created by an individual user, usually created using Photoshop, GIMP or OpenCanvas. It would then be put into the system by the game's creator and once a user started the game via the updater that is provided, the preset would then be seen in game.

Note: Presets are not being added to the game at this moment, as KovuLKD and Razmirz are trying to automate the submission process.


As time went on, and the game had changed from single player to MMO, rules had to be set for the growing popularity and member numbers.

Impressive title

In Game Rules

  1. Do not attempt to impersonate a moderator or administrator in the game or on the forums.
  2. Harassing and/or threatening other players is not permitted.
  3. Any sexually, threatening, hurtful, harmful, abusive, hateful, and ethnically offensive language is prohibited.
  4. If a staff member has requested that one cease their actions or change their behavior, they are to do it.
  5. Do not repeatedly ask for aid in something regarding the forums or the game.
  6. Be polite to everyone, no matter what their age or gender or views.
  7. If there is a problem, do not turn around and start to attack said person. Instead, take screenshots of the image, and report them to us.
  8. Do not create characters with lewd names. We will know, and we will delete the character.
  9. Do not pretend to be a mod or an admin.[3]


Lion King?

There has been plenty of Criticism of this game being based on Disney's The Lion King. KovuLKD has denied any association between the game and The Lion King, and prevents any public maps/worlds based on the Lion Kings universe, like Pride Lands, The Out Lands, and Elephant Grave Yard. However, anyone is allowed to make an account, and Role Play as a Lion King character.

Security issues

Before the release of version 0.4, players could access the games coding. This caused major issues in the game such as:

Impressive Title Forum

  • Account Hacking
  • Preset stealing
  • 'Huge' and 'Tiny' characters.

Ever since these incidents, from version 5 and up, a server was made to hold player information, although there has been report of players still getting their accounts hacked, or these 'ghost' versions of themselves walking around {these may just be Glitches.}In June(?) 2009, a hacker attempted to infiltrate the servers, prompting a temporary shut down of Impressive Title. When the game went back online, Razmirz decided to close off access to his servers from any other members except for KovuLKD.

Impressive Title Register


  1. WikiFur editors. 'Impressive Title'. WikiFur. Retrieved June 2009.
  2. [ s i n g l e a r m y ]. 'Full List of Controls and Commands Updated'. Impressive Title Member.. Retrieved June 2009.
  3. IT UK development. 'Rules'. Impressive Title Developers.. Retrieved June 2009.

Impressive Title Download

External links

Impressive Title Servers

  • Impressive Title on WikiFur