Java To Python Converter

  1. Java To Python Code Converter
  2. Java To Python Converter Online

It's an extract from stackOverflow answer: Very frankly speaking there is no such online tool or anything which can directly convert your python code to java code, and give you the exact desired result which you might have been getting from your python code. Memelord 0 11 Months Ago I also need to convert this code to Java.


Universal-transpiler is a source-to-source compiler that translates a small subset of several programming languages into several others. It is also able to translate several metasyntax notations, such as EBNF and ABNF. Universal-transpiler was written as an experimental “proof-of-concept,” so it can only translate relatively simple programs. The Python 3 code is slightly longer because it defaults to Unicode strings. Byte arrays - when printed - produce different output. Python 3.6 and later have the 'fstrings' which make the print statements more compact. Hopefully this will help with efforts to convert code from java to python. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.

Ranch Hand
posted 1 year ago
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Need help converting java code into python. I am new to python and I am confused on how I should go about this conversion. Thank you for your help. (I want to XOR a decoded string with an ascii character)

Here is what I have so far
Ranch Hand
Pythonposted 1 year ago
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Updated code but still not working with how i expect it to.
posted 1 year ago
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Start by giving variables proper names. Arrays don't have charAt() methods, so array is a poor name for a String.
Don't try to convert code like that. Write down what the code is supposed to do. Then you are probably better off programming it anew.
Say what goes wrong.
Make sure you use correct formatting. Why have you not used {} in the Java®? Why are you double‑spacing your code? Why is there a print instruction inside a loop in the Python and no print() statement at all in the Java®?

Java To Python Code Converter

Ranch Hand
posted 1 year ago
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Java To Python Converter Online

A more pythonic way to do this in Python 2.7 is:

By contrast, here is the same function in python 3.7:

  • Range/Xrange: The ending number needs to be 128 in python since range does not include the final number.

  • For statement: In python the for statement can make available the character directly rather than only an index. Also, the enumerate function wraps the value and returns a tuple containing both a counter and the value itself -- which the for statement is happy to accept.

  • Final print statement: The substring reference '[:-1]' chops off the final vertical bar without the bother of creating yet another string.

  • Variable names: The variable names have been changed to be more descriptive. Also, python prefers using lower case and underscores for variable names rather than Java's camel case naming convention. (One is not better than the other-- just different.)

  • The Python 3 code is slightly longer because it defaults to Unicode strings. Byte arrays -- when printed -- produce different output.

  • Python 3.6 and later have the 'fstrings' which make the print statements more compact.

  • Hopefully this will help with efforts to convert code from java to python.