MyUniApps gives students online access to EndNote and other applications hosted by the University, on any device, any time and anywhere. It can be used by iPhone, Mac, PC, iPad, Windows Phone, Linux, Android and more. To access EndNote through myUniApps: Login to myUniApps; Click the 'Desktops' tab at the top of the page. EndNote X8 software can be downloaded by current UK faculty, students, and staff. Most features are essentially unchanged between versions X7 and X8. The new X8 does allow for expanding sharing (up to 100 people) and has revised options for finding full-text. The two links below have some additional information on X8. EndNote Product Details. EndNote is a software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies—it formats citations, figures, and tables in Microsoft Word with the “Cite While You Write” feature. It also serves as a reference and image database, storing, managing, and searching for bibliographic references in your reference library. EndNote is freely available for download for UofL users through UofL's Web Store. Login with your ULink ID and password. EndNote is compatible with Windows and Mac operating systems. Chat is offline. Chat service is provided by Ekstrom Library Research Assistance and Instruction from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays.

Output styles
Choose from 7,000+ styles to generate perfectly formatted EndNote references, from APA to Zygote.
Import filters for prior research
Import references you previously collected from an online database. Just choose the right filter to enable you to add those references to your EndNote.
Connection files for online databases
Just install the connection files for the databases you want to search. Then you can use EndNote to connect to a database, conduct your search, collect what you find, and keep it all organized.
EndNote for iOS
EndNote for iOS
EndNote for iOS
EndNote for iOS
The perfect sidekick to your EndNote desktop.
The perfect sidekick to your EndNote desktop.
The perfect sidekick to your EndNote desktop.
The perfect sidekick to your EndNote desktop.
Download on the app storeSoftware updates
Software updates
Software updates
Software updates
Keep your EndNote up to date with the latest release.
Keep your EndNote up to date with the latest release.

Keep your EndNote up to date with the latest release.
Keep your EndNote up to date with the latest release.
Install software updatesDownload an installer
Download an installer
Download an installer
Download an installer
Got a new computer? Misplaced the installer link? You can download the installer here.
Got a new computer? Misplaced the installer link? You can download the...
Got a new computer? Misplaced the installer link? You can download the installer here.
Got a new computer? Misplaced the installer link? You can download the installer here.
Find an installerYou may also be interested in these other products from Clarivate
EndNote Click
EndNote Click
EndNote Click
EndNote Click
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers
Learn moreJournal Citation Reports
Journal Citation Reports
Journal Citation Reports
Journal Citation Reports
Every journal has a story to tell
Every journal has a story to tell
Every journal has a story to tell
Every journal has a story to tell
Learn morePublons
360-degree profile for over 2-million researchers
360-degree profile for over 2-million researchers
360-degree profile for over 2-million researchers

360-degree profile for over 2-million researchers
Learn moreThe introduction to EndNote Workshops covers:
1. Creating an EndNote library
- Export references
- Import PDFs
- Groups to manage references
2. Writing and Citing with EndNote
- Adding in-text citations and references
- Editing references
- Formatting bibliographies
- Converting to plain text
3. Sync and Collaboration feature
NTU Library organises regular workshops for EndNote on the Windows platform. As this is an activity-based sessions, participants are encouraged to attend on time.
To complement the EndNote online workshops, NTU staff and students may refer to the Academic Writing with EndNote LibGuide for more information.
For NIE students/staff, please email NIE Library at:
*As part of safe distancing measures implemented against the spread of COVID-19, NTU Library will be conducting workshops and consultations via online platforms until further notice.
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