Japanese Name Generator

Japanese Name Generator Refresh Japanese Name Generator - you can generate 30 random Japanese names. Japanese names just like Chinese names, the last name is followed by the first name, and it has apparent features such as usually contain 'ki' 'ko', etc. In katakana is.This is the conventional way to represent foreign names in Japanese. In romaji is This is how you would pronounce it using the roman alphabet.; If you are looking for Japanese names, you can search our list of Japanese names. This kanji name generator is an automated system which only to show you samples of kanji for your name.Please understand that sometime it may not show you appropriate kanji characters. For choosing the best kanji character for your hanko, please contact us and we will work together to make your hanko special. The Japanese name generator creates random Japanese first and last names. The Japanese surname being before the first name (although in this generator, surnames are after the first name). Middle names are not generally used in Japan. The generator can both generate male and female names.

Japanese Name Generator Fantasy Name Generator


15 random Japanese names generated New

Amari Takanobu (male)
Inazuma Tamaki (female)
Yukawa Tsuramatsu (male)
Takamori Sakuro (female)
Haga Gengyo (male)
Horiuchi Yukichi (male)
Kiyabu Tetsuzan (male)
Fujima Konoye (male)
Kozutsami Akasuki (female)
Sumida Kansuke (male)
Nishiyama Natsu (female)
Yukimori Mokichi (male)
Yuuma Gesshin (male)
Konuma Tokuhei (male)
Chinen Hide (female)

About Japanese Name Generator

The Japanese name generator can generate 15 male and female names randomly by default, in the name of Japanese, males and females use common surnames. What we need to know is that in Japanese names family name in the front and then the given name.

The generator provides 15 random Japanese names, you can specify the gender, you can also specify the number you need to generate, we collected more than 2,000 Japanese family names and 600 first names, so you can generate more than 1,200,000 Japanese names.

You can generate up to 50 Japanese names at a time, but you can get more by refreshing.

Convert Your Name to Japanese

This is another one of those romaji to Katakana converters.

Japanese name generator biz
  • in katakana is . This is the conventional way to represent foreign names in Japanese.
  • in romaji is This is how you would pronounce it using the roman alphabet.

If you are looking for Japanese names, you can search our list of Japanese names.

Not another romaji to katakana converter...?

...Not exactly. This one is different. It attempts to transliterate real natural English to katakana more accurately than most of the other transliterators out there.

Japanese Name Generator

It does this by using a combination of dictionary lookup (from a database of more than 4,000 common names), substitution rules and machine learning.

Random Japanese Girl Name

Nolan Lawson describes in detail here how he developed the engine. I extend mountains of gratitude to Nolan for allowing me to use this on Japanga.com