Todd Sanfield, the model, student and founder of The Todd Sanfield Collection, recently appeared on the cover of Oh My God! magazine. The Spanish publication also included another Todd Sanfield photo in which he appeared against a dark black background. The images were shot by Kevin McDermott, who Todd worked with on Motel Hotel. We caught up with Todd to ask him about his latest shoot. Read what he has to say below, and then have a look at the final product (plus, we have the English version of the magazine’s interview after the jump).
The Underwear Expert: You worked with Kevin McDermott for your book series, how did this recent collaboration come about?
In modern Hawaii, it means “Keep Out” or “No Trespassing,” and is often seen on signs by hikers of the islands. Kauai is a hiking paradise. Following their two sold out coffee-table books MOTEL HOTEL and VIRGIN ISLAND, Todd Sanfield and photographer, Kevin McDermott trekked through this paradise to create their new book, KAPU.
Todd Sanfield: The book was never planned, that is the beauty of it. When I first met Kevin we wanted to do something really sexy, but not overboard, and get it published. The images turned out to be pretty good. For this, we threw some ideas around, and then boom!

Hotel Motel is one of the most beautiful books I have seen in a long time. Thoughtfully photographed and printed, the book is beautifully bound. This high quality, erotically charged volume makes you feel as though you are in the room with Todd for the weekend! Apr 7, 2012 - Todd Sanfield by Kevin McDermott for 'Motel Hotel'.
The Underwear Expert: What can we expect from you in the New Year?

Todd Sanfield: Who knows? I don’t even know. One thing I can assure you is that The Todd Sanfield Collection will have new product in six months! We are about to make that next jump and I am excited.
By Kevin McDermott. How are ratings calculated? See All Buying Options. Add to Wish List. Text, image, video. 11 global ratings 11 global reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Synopsis MOTEL HOTEL is the most intimate look at model/designer TODD SANFIELD to date. Photographed on his home turf of Detroit, photographer KEVIN McDERMOTT spent two days and nights with TODD;the first in a roadside motel on the outskirts of town, the second in an elegant hotel in downtown Detroit.
The Underwear Expert: Do you speak any Spanish?
Todd Sanfield: NO! And what a regret! I blew Spanish class off when I was younger. Now, a few of my good friends speak Spanish as their primary language. I feel like an idiot around them!
In addition to the photos, Oh My God! included a brief interview with Sanfield, covering his beginnings as a designer and his book. Check out the interview below, and let us know what you thought of Oh My God!‘s Todd Sanfield photo and cover.
OMG: How did you start creating an underwear collection?
Todd Sanfield: When I was younger I can remember my mom being creative. She was into crafts, interior designing, playing with colors, and today she creates doll house miniatures. I was always indirectly exposed to a creative world because of her. I take after my mom’s personality more than my dad’s, so when I got a little bit older I started to express my creativity as well. However I didn’t know where it would take me.
OMG: Why you decided to design underwear?
Todd Sanfield: I always wanted to do more than model, but did not know what. Modeling for me was just an opportunity to be involved in a creative world. Underwear was the way for me to express myself creatively; it just worked out that way. I continued to work hard on myself, including my education, and progress in life to the best of my ability. Then, one day, the opportunity presented itself to me.
OMG: Do you think that being so handsome gave you more facilities in order to expand your brand?
Motel Hotel Kevin Mcdermott Texas
Todd Sanfield: Well, I do not like to talk about myself being handsome or good looking because it does not sound right. I work hard to maximize my potential, and that makes me more confident, and people seem to notice. I think my hard work along with my ambition and perseverance is what allows me to expand my brand. There are so many great looking people in this world, people much better looking then me. What makes me any different then them? If I had to come up with one reason, then I would say that it is my attitude about how I live life.
OMG: Who is your brand designer and where do ideas come from?
Todd Sanfield: I am the brand designer and the ideas come from my athletic background. When I was really young, from the age of 4 until 19 years old, all I did was play sports. It was always a big deal when new athletic gear came out and who got it first. The guys who had the new gear always seem to look and play the best. They would stand out above the rest. This is where I get my ideas.
OMG: Apart from having your underwear brand… what else do you do?
Todd Sanfield: Currently, I am in my third year of graduate school studying to be a Pharmacist (Doctor of Pharmacy, PharmD). I have this year and next year until I am finished. I spend a lot of time studying!
Also, a beautifully done, sexy coffee-table book recently came out using me as the only subject called, MOTEL | HOTEL. This was shot by Kevin McDermott, the same photographer that shot the cover. It’s almost sold-out of the 1000 copies. If you are interested, you can see it at
For more information about this brand: Todd Sanfield Collection
Photo Credit: Oh My God!
One day last summer, Kevin McDermott and Todd Sanfield met up for a weekend of shooting that resulted in MOTEL | HOTEL, a “dirty little black book” of sorts that, in essence, is a “two day sleep over with Todd Sanfield,” McDermott told The Underwear Expert.
MOTEL | HOTEL is a 72-page book split into two sections: one black and white, one color. It’s a quick study of Todd Sanfield’s physical perfection and McDermott’s artistic and unique way of capturing the male form. DNA Magazine called it “one of the sexiest photo shoots we’ve ever seen!” and when you look through, we’re sure you’ll agree. The limited edition book has been available for five months and is now near extinction—that is, it’s almost sold out. But, now with a $50 summer special through August 15th, you have an opportunity to get it before it’s gone for good.
We caught up with Sanfield and McDermott to find out how the book came about, and how it was working together. Throughout the interview, we get a peek into the other half of the process and get to know Todd like never before. Check out a sneak-peek gallery of MOTEL | HOTEL and then catch up with Todd and Kevin after the jump.
The Underwear Expert:How has the book sold, you guys?
Kevin McDermott: The book has done very well. Everyone seems to enjoy it and love it. I’ve been very happy with that.
Todd Sanfield: The book is a complete success, hands down. I think we may have even started a new trend. People, I think, are maybe getting a little more creative–I mean, Kevin published this himself, he put the whole thing together and it was all self publicized. What we did we did on our own and we were able to show that you don’t need a big publishing house to produce something that people will really enjoy. It’s a success man; the book is a success.
UE: This is a limited edition, correct? How many did you print, and how many are left?
Kevin: Yes; We have a couple hundred left out of 1,000. It’ll be sold out soon.
UE: Kevin, what can people expect from this book?
Kevin: People who have bought the book have commented on how beautifully put together it is, how it’s almost a little art piece unto itself. People seem to appreciate the beauty of the actual book–the paper, printing, beauty of it, and the photos, of course. It’s sort of, in a funny way, a dirty little black book.
Todd: It’s kind of amazing, you know?
UE: Todd, what can we expect from you in this book?
Todd: It’s a very sensual, sexy, erotic type of book, and you get my personality 100%.
UE: What personalities do we get exactly?
Todd: Goofy, funny, sexy, charismatic, you know, energetic. You get it all–you know what I mean? It’s very classy and sophisticated as well.
UE: So what’s the story here? How did you guys get hooked up together and how did this book come about?
Kevin: It was sort of a mutual thing. I knew Todd had been in NYC because a few photographer friends had done shoots with him. I wanted to photograph him, so I told one of my friend’s that I was interested in doing a shoot with Todd and to put in a good word for me, so he did. Todd and I had a couple of conversations on the phone–he was back in Michigan now—and then I told him I was going to visit my family in Ohio and I could make the two-hour trip to Detroit and photograph him there. So, anyways, it turned into a two-day shoot and, ultimately, became MOTEL | HOTEL.
UE: Todd?
Todd: Yeah, I mean, I didn’t know Kevin before we did this. He pretty much showed up at my house, my parent’s house, because I was at home from school for the summer and traveling back and forth to New York. So, he shows up and I had never met him in person before. I could tell he was a really genuine nice guy, he wasn’t like some creepy dude–I’m pretty intuitive. I know right away if someone’s a creep or a good person and Kevin was a good person. I got real comfortable real fast and that’s kind of how that happens. If I know that a person is good, has a good nature–and you know that right away just by how they act, what they do–I can get real comfortable real fast and I can shoot with them very organically.
UE: So you spent 48 hours together shooting right after you met?
Todd: Kevin spent two days and two nights with me for the most part–non-stop. Shooting, eating, shooting me before we eat, after eating, shooting–you know what I mean?
UE: Organic.

Todd: Yeah, it was very like, if you were to hang out with me for two days straight, that’s who I would be. However, I was taking my clothes off the whole time, you know, so you get a little bit more personal.
UE: Speaking of getting personal. Todd, you get down to business in this book. There are some underwear shots at the beginning of the book but the clothes kind of come off through the rest of it. What’s the process for you to access your sexuality like you do?
Todd: I mean it’s just who I am. I kind of consider myself a bit more.. I dunno–I have a strong sexual drive. I just feel like after years of shooting, too, you get more comfortable with your sexuality and you’re able to express who you are.
UE: What can our readers who have never seen MOTEL | HOTEL expect as far as what they’re going to see when they open it up?
Todd: Well, there are two pictures in there that are straight up full frontal. Nothing blocking it, no steam or steamed glass, no mesh underwear. Nothing–straight up full frontal shots. And then there’s another shot–it’s almost like I just got up in the morning.. you know? It’s very natural, though, not like Playgirl style where you’re straight up in the air. It’s very classy, very elegant, very organic. There are obviously some shots with mesh underwear and stuff like that, too, where you can see my penis, but it’s still classy.
UE: I’m sure you had to have experienced some pretty funny moments, the two of you, when you were shooting. Anything?
Kevin: There’s one shot in the beginning of the book that’s kind of a funny story. He had on a new pair of his Todd Sanfield Collection underwear, sort of a prototype from his line. There was a sticker inside the underwear that said “First Time” that the manufacturer had put on the underwear and it came off and was sort of stuck on his behind. So I was like “Oh yea, that’s kind of funny.” So there’s a shot with a “First Time” sticker in the book.
UE: Do you two plan to work together in the future?

Kevin: If we’re still talking! No, I imagine so, of course. We’ve become absolutely good friends through the whole thing.
Motel Hotel Kevin Mcdermott Austin
MOTEL | HOTEL is a 72-page hard cover, cloth coffee table book printed at Meridian printing. It retails for $65, but is currently on sale through August 15th for $50 (domestic and international shipping rates apply.) It’s divided into two sections: the first, printed in color, is from a night Todd and Kevin stayed at a motel in Troy, MI and the second, printed in black and white, is from a night when the two stayed at a luxury casino in Detroit.
Kevin Mcdermott Facebook
To purchase click here:MOTEL | HOTEL
For more information about this brand: The Todd Sanfield Collection