Knowing the fair market value of Chickering pianos is useful to sellers, buyers and owners.
This information can help guide you in making important decisions.
Chickering was established in 1823 by Jonas Chickering and James Stewart in Boston, Massachusetts.
became partners with John Mackay, manufacturing pianos as Chickering & Company, and later
New York, and later this merged into the Aeolian-American piano company in 1932. The Chickering plant
with pianos manufactured for them in Korea, by Samick. Baldwin then purchased the Wurlitzer &
1994 to 2001. In 2002, Baldwin was purchased by the Gibson musical instrument company. Chickering
Sejung Co. according to Baldwin specifications, using Baldwin and Chickering plate and scale designs.
Baldwin's Chickering line discontinued in the USA in 2008.
Why we love to restore Chickering pianos
Vintage Chickering pianos were built exceptionally well. At the turn of the 20th century, Chickering pianos were one of the chief competitors of Steinway. Its actually a lot of fun to bring back these older Chickerings to life and the end result is amazing.
Chickering piano serial number and value. Guest15625653 I am original owner of a Chickering 301 Queen Ann Walnut Grand Piano, Serial ## 230455 bought at Strawbridge & Clothier Dept STore in Jan. Chickering and Sons Pianos Serial Numbers. Chickering Brothers upright serial number 11759 Value and when. More than one piano reference states that Chickering Bros. Piano Company was established in 1892 in the city of Chicago by Clifford. Play this Chickering and Sons Console for sale in Oklahoma City at Bruce Music in Edmond.
History of Chickering
Chickering And Sons Piano Serial Numbers
Chickering & Sons was estamblished way back in 1823 by Jonas Chickering. It was the first actual piano factory in America. In 1908, Chickering was sold to the American Piano Company. In 1932, the Aeolian Piano Company and the American Piano Company merged to create the Aeolian-American Corporation, and they continued to build the Chickering name for decades.
Serial Numbers
1823-100 1940-167200 1964-219221 1974-235824
1850-10000 1943-179500 1965-221117 1975-237578
1905-105000 1947-187000 1967-224943 1977-240626
1910-115000 1950-195000 1968-226928 1978-242694
1919-130000 1955-204000 1969-228651 1979-244266

1920-132500 1960-212750 1970-230300 1980-245989
1925-139700 1961-214527 1971-231317 1981-247477

1930-148400 1962-216488 1972-232410 1982-248500
Chickering & Sons Piano Serial Numbers
1935-155200 1963-217830 1973-234059 N/A
1986-188500 1987-193500 1988-200200 1990-208001